Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Balance of Roni Horn

Roni Horn, Photographer, sculpture, artist, are all titles to describe my newest favorite artist although she prefers none of them.  The main points I found most prevalent in Horn's work were sensuality,water,  architecture, and psychology.  With the series of close-up water photos that were placed throughout a school Horn gave the viewer a chance to mimic the photo.  Water is peaceful, water flows, the students became calmer the longer the photos were up.  My favorite of the examples shown were the photos that were all of the same subject.  The woman's face over and over again as she is in the water I thought were beautiful.  The eye contact that the subject gives the viewer through the lens give a feeling of sensuality or closeness thereby inducing trust.  A point I think Horn is trying to focus on is the balance between soft sensuality and hard architecture.  When she shoots the inside of the locker room with it's tiled walls and floors, she offsets that with the sensuality of the women-are they nude? are they clothed? why are we seeing them through a peephole? they are blurred and that too adds a dimension to the work of wonderment and sensuality.

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