Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Accordion Fold Card

 So, I am at home nursing a sprained ankle and checked out what everyone was doing on their blog and it seems everyone posted their accordion cards.  So here is mine; I took pictures of my nieces in their backyard playing.  I desaturated the color and added a warm photo filter in photoshop.  I also added some text to a few of them.  I still have not received the actual card in the mail, I hope it is here soon!!

1 comment:

Melissa Duffy said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Hope your ankle feels better soon!

Only 1 person received their accordion so far but they should be arriving soon. If you receive yours by next Wednesday, Deborah would like us to bring them.

We also watched a couple snippets of video on David Carson and Stefan Sagmeister, graphic designers. It focused on their personal styles. If you google their names you could probably find enough to comment about in your blog.

Also, Deborah would like us to get started on our books; finalize your idea and start getting some pictures as soon as your up to it.

Finally, she shared and for fonts and brushes respectively. Let us know if you need help using fonts and brushes.

Your images are beautiful. I found that the series "Photoshop Creative Photo Techniques" great for this sort of editing if your interested.

See you next week,